Welcome to The Boston Bodyworker 2008 Marathon Blog

Well, congrats again for another great achievement. You made it here. Now it's time for you to share your story with others. You can brag, boast, wine, bitch or moan. All are acceptable forms of writing in this blog. The sole purpose of this blog is to get your story out there and share in the day you worked so hard to get to, but ended before you knew it.

Read the day in the life of some of your other pairs and see why this is one the most popular/difficult marathons out on the circuit today.

Don't forget about the FREE T-shirt (as if you would). Once I see your posting, you will be contacted about how you can receive your "Funky Fresh Cool T"!


Monday, May 12, 2008

2008 Marathon Stories

Welcome to the Boston Bodyworker Marathon Story Page. We look forward to hearing from you. Please click on "Stories" or "Post a Comment" to post your marathon story.